For information. No specific action required.
Following a radiological emergency, the Senior Radiation Protection Supervisor in a department will contact the University Radiation Protection Officer (URPO) for advice and notification. Until now there has been limited cover for when the URPO is absent.
To address this, the Safety Office has secured the services of Nuvia Limited, based in Harwell. Nuvia Limited will provide a 24/7 emergency Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA) service. Although it is not expected to be a frequent need, the service will strengthen existing arrangements for legal compliance.
Nuvia Limited is a leading international service provider. They work across a range of sectors, including the regulated nuclear industry, defence, oil, gas, science and research.
Senior radiation protection supervisors have been notified of the arrangements. If an emergency arises, they will contact the Safety Office directly or via Security Services. If the URPO is unavailable, the Safety Office will make direct contact with the Nuvia RPA and pass on the caller’s contact details.