The aim of the Highway Code is to promote safety on the road for all road users. These include; vehicle drivers; motorcyclists; cyclists including those with electric versions but not privately owned eScooters; horse riders; mobility scooter users and pedestrians. As has recently been reported on 29 January 2022 aspects of the Highway Code were updated. Certain rules already existed but the wording has been changed to provide more clarity.
Some of the key changes are:
- ‘Hierarchy of road users’ – ‘those who can course the greatest harm have the greatest responsibility to reduce the danger or threat they pose to others’. Pedestrians, especially the very young or old, are viewed as being the most vulnerable. All users must ensure they act responsibly to minimise risks;
- Change in priority for those crossing at junctions – pedestrians have priority. Pedestrians should be mindful that other road users should be able to see them clearly, which may be difficult in dark conditions or with restricted sightlines at junctions. Do not assume they have seen you to be able to give you the right of way to cross, if in doubt wait;
- Walking, cycling or riding guidance for those using shared spaces such as shared cycle/pedestrian paths;
- Cyclist guidance on positioning on roads, at junctions and on roundabouts;
- Horse riding guidance on positioning;
- Updated guidance on safe passing distances and speeds;
- Leaving vehicles – guidance on exiting vehicles by using the hand opposite side to the door being opened (being described as the Dutch reach method). This means the person is more likely to avoid opening the door onto another road user.
It is important for everyone to understand the Highway Code, not just new drivers. The following links provide direct access to the full Highway Code, what has changed and other useful information: