Drones Guidance
Guidance is provided on the safe use of unmanned aerial vehicles (or drones)
The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), commonly known as drones, is increasing across the University. As technology improves, and the benefits of using UAVs becomes more widespread, the number of people using UAVs increases. This can include:
• Academic research purposes.
• Estates Services or contractors using UAVs to survey buildings.
• University clubs or societies using UAVs for filming events.
• Promoting University buildings, facilities, or activities.
• Commercial media or film companies recording around the University Estate.
As the use of UAVs is a developing practice, this guidance sets out a precautionary approach to their risk management. Anyone who operate a UAV on the University estates (excluding colleges) or in connection with University business must obtain the relevant CAA permission before use, unless the basic requirements of the CAA Drone Code can be applied. As the ‘Drone Code’ only applies to lightweight drones used for non-commercial purposes and away from buildings and people, there will be very few occasions when full CAA permission is not required.
In line with the University’s overall policy on health and safety, the head of department to which the request for using drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has arisen is ultimately responsible for ensuring their safe use.
If heads of department give approval for UAVs to be used for their department’s purposes, they should identify a ‘Responsible Person’ to ensure this is done appropriately.
In terms of the different types of UAV use, the following could be the designated responsible person:
Academic research purposes.
In line with University policy statement S1/09 ‘supervisors responsibilities’, this should be an academic member of staff who has a degree of control over how the UAVs will be used. If the researcher is a student, or even an inexperienced member of staff, then their academic supervisor will retain responsibility to ensure all relevant actions are taken.
Commercial media or film companies recording around the University Estate.
In line with University policy statement S6/08 ‘contractors working on university premises’, this should be a member of University staff e.g. departmental administrator, building/facility manager, departmental communication manager. In addition, the University will only consider requests from third parties to film on University premises if they are a relevant business or organisation e.g. commercial film company or university tenant.
Estates Services or contractors using UAVs to survey buildings
In line with University policy statement S6/08 ‘contractors working on university premises’, this should be a member of University staff e.g. building/facility manager, Direct Labour Organisation staff, Estates Services Building and Maintenance staff.
Promoting University buildings, facilities, or activities.
In line with University policy statement S6/08 ‘contractors working on university premises’, this should be a member of University staff e.g. departmental administrator, building/facility manager, departmental communication manager.
University clubs or societies using UAVs for filming events.
Clubs or societies should be registered with the Proctors in order to use UAVs on University premises. The president of the club or society will be responsible for identifying a suitable person to act as the Responsible Person and for assuring the Proctors that all necessary actions have taken place.
CAA Registration and Education Service
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has introduced a mandatory registration and training element for the use of drones in the UK.
Registration and training must be done via the CAA’s Drone and Model Aircraft Registration and Education Service .
There are two elements to the online system.
- Anyone responsible for a drone or unmanned aircraft (including model aircraft) weighing between 250g and 20kg must register as an operator. The cost for this is £9 renewable annually.
- Anyone flying a drone or unmanned aircraft (including model aircraft) weighing between 250g and 20kg must take and pass an online education package. This is free and renewable every three years.
Both of these requirements are now law and applies to the individual operating or flying a drone.
Full details are available via the CAA’s website.
Action required:
Heads of department and institutions (including faculty board chairs in the Humanities Division), along with the presidents, and anyone overseeing the activities, of registered clubs and societies must ensure the following:
- All those who operate or fly a relevant drone on University business in the UK are registered and have completed the training.
- All those who contract in a third party to operate or fly a relevant drone on University business or property are aware of this requirement. They should check that third party operators comply, as well as ensuring suitable risk assessments, flight plans and insurance is in place.
- All those identified above are aware of the University Insurance requirements for using drones. Full details are available from the Insurance website:
The responsible person must identify and consult with all those who might be significantly affected or are able to assist and advise in the correct use.
The use of UAVs, by their very nature, is likely to impact on a number of different people or places. It is important that all relevant stakeholders are informed of the proposed use of UAVs and agreement is obtained, where necessary. The following outlines a, non-exhaustive, list of people that may need to be consulted as part of the planning process.
University estate
- Head(s) of departments, faculties, offices or functions.
- Estates Services, if the use is on University buildings or roadways not under the management of a specific department.
- Heads of University gardens, libraries, museums etc. (or, the Director of Marketing & Communications for GLAM)
- Superintendent of University Parks.
- Principals and masters of colleges, if the proposed use is likely to fly over college land.
Non-University estate
- Charities or other land agents
- Civil Aviation Authority
- Emergency services
- Farms
- Local businesses
- Local councils
University Administration and Services
The following will always need to be consulted or notified:
- Insurance - insurance@admin.ox.ac.uk
- Security Services – security.control@admin.ox.ac.uk [only if used on University premises]
The following may need to be consulted or notified, depending on the activity and associated risks:
- Safety Office
- IT Services (e.g. Educational Media Services)
- Legal Services
- Purchasing Team
Risk Assessment
The operation of any drone or unmanned aircraft must be accompanied by a suitable risk assessment. This includes their use on University land, as well as on University related business. The latter can be within the UK or overseas.