Information on the use and charging of Electric Powered Personal Vehicles in University buildings
The responsibilities and actions required for the use and charging of Electric Powered Personal Vehicles (EPPVs) in University buildings are outlined in a new policy statement (S3/24) below. It aims to manage the fire-related risks to the University, reducing the risk of injury, loss of life and damage or loss of property and research.
Its scope covers:
the storage and charging of privately-owned EPPVs used by University staff, students, visitors, contractors, and agency workers inside University buildings
the storage and charging of department-owned EPPVs used by University staff, inside University buildings
This policy statement is accompanied by several guidance documents, including one specifically for EPPV users that live, work or study in University buildings.
An implementation toolkit has also been provided to support communication and implementation. This includes links to an EPPV poster that can be adapted for local use, and PowerPoint presentation guides for managers and safety advisers and for end users, which can be used to brief colleagues.