Complete a HS1 form and register with UOHS for health surveillance where criteria in column 3 are met.
To establish whether the upper action level is likely to be exceeded a noise assessment needs to be undertaken.
To gauge whether a noise assessment is necessary please see table below:
Table Simple tests to see if a noise risk assessment is needed
Probable noise level
A risk assessment will be needed if the noise is like this for more than:
The noise is intrusive but normal conversation is possible
6 hours
You have to shout to talk to someone 2m away
2 hours
You have to shout to talk to someone 1m away
45 minutes
Controlling noise at work in particular Part 2 managing noise risks (page 36 onwards) and the guidance in Table 1 (p14)
HSE Exposure calculator and ready-reckoner
And UPS S1/06 . Para 14 gives a guide to typical noise levels and examples)