Ionising radiation safety training

Across the University, there are many uses of ionising radiation. Working with ionising radiation, involves effective planning, organisation and control.

The following ionising radiation courses will provide a suitable degree of knowledge.

Radiation safety for laboratory workers

Who should attend?

New radiation workers intending to work with unsealed (open) radioactive sources, such as radioactive labelled compounds.

Course details

There is a requirement for all new radiation workers to attend Radiation Protection Lectures.

The aim of this session is to provide an introduction to the legal requirements and University arrangements for radiation protection within the laboratory environment. The session principally addresses radiation safety aspects of work with unsealed (open) radioactive sources but also covers the safe use of gamma irradiators.

Whilst attendance at the session satisfies a general training requirement, radiation workers will require supplementary training within departments. For example, these sessions do not constitute necessary training in specific laboratory practices and source handling techniques, or the safe operation of equipment. Such training can only effectively be provided within the working environment.

Places must be booked via Accessplanit.


You must sign the attendance register upon arrival. Please bring your University card with you.


Safe use of x-ray generators, sealed sources & accelerators

Who should attend?

New radiation workers intending to work with sealed (closed) radioactive sources or ionising radiation generators.

Course details

There is a requirement for all new radiation workers to attend Radiation Protection Lectures.

This session provides an introduction to the legal requirements and University arrangements for radiation protection during work with sealed/closed radioactive sources and radiation generators. The session is relevant to persons intending to work with closed sources and equipment incorporating closed sources including gamma irradiators; and to those planning to work with with x-ray optics equipment; medical and veterinary diagnostic x-ray equipment; security x-ray equipment and particle accelerators. This session does not cover requirements for work with open sources.

Places must be booked via Accessplanit.


You must sign the attendance register upon arrival. Please bring your University card with you.

Radiation protection supervisor training

Who should attend?

New Radiation Protection Supervisors.



Safe Transport of Radioactive Materials


Radiation update session for SRPS and RPS

Who should attend?

This is an important update for Radiation Protection Supervisors and Senior Radiation Protection Supervisors. All those appointed in this capacity are expected to attend.