Only suitably trained individuals are permitted to work in laser controlled areas or wherever there is a known hazard from a potential laser exposure. The supervisor must identify the appropriate level of training required for these individuals and outline these requirements within the associated local rules.
Supervisors must assess the competency of an individual and determine the level of training or supervision required for the person carrying out hazardous laser activities. This includes individuals who have received training in other departments or establishments and should also consider the competency of visitors or contractors before permitting access to lasers.
Training requirements should be outlined within the local rules, including any additional requirements for higher risk activities such as alignment, installations, or modifications. All laser users, working under the requirements of local rules, must have attended an Basic Laser Safety training course, as provided by the University Laser Safety Officer or a departmental laser supervisor. They must also have been instructed in those requirements set out in the local rules and the key findings from laser risk assessments.
Laser users must be authorised by their Supervisor before operating a laser and an individual training record must be maintained. It may be necessary to supervise individuals as their competency is developed, especially if they start carrying out new or higher risk activities. The training record should be seen as a ‘working document’. It must be regularly updated/reviewed between the supervisor (or nominated deputy) and the laser user and should clearly describe what can or cannot be done without certain levels of training or supervision. The Laser User Authorisation/Training Record (LS-4) can be used for this purpose.