In line with general policy, heads of department are responsible for ensuring manual handling is appropriately assessed, suitable control measures are in place, and that those involved in manual handling activities are competent to do so. To do this, heads of department can delegate responsibilities to others, provided the responsibilities are clearly communicated to appropriate individuals (e.g. supervisors) and checks are made to ensure the delegated duties are fulfilled.
On a day-to-day basis, the supervisor of a manual handling activity is best placed to manage the associated risks as they are able to decide on required changes to procedures or obtain equipment to reduce the risks.
Supervisors should therefore:
- eliminate manual handling and lifting operations, as far as is reasonably practicable
- carry out assessments of the remaining tasks likely to cause injury (the significant parts of the assessments should be in writing)
- make necessary changes based upon the results of a risk assessment
- ensure that risk assessments are reviewed periodically
- provide staff involved in manual handling with appropriate training
- identify appropriate supervision to staff and students so they implement the relevant control
If the practical elements outlined in this document are used, there should be a formal process of dissemination to ensure this is forwarded to all relevant supervisors. If the department decides to modify these elements or implement a different system, then this should be documented and approved by the local safety advisory committee. The safety advisory committee should also determine:
- who needs to receive the standards and documented systems?
- how this will be issued to those individuals?
- what checks will be made to ensure those individuals understand the systems?
- what is the process and frequency of review?
This can be done either through discussions and training in the specific risk assessment or by incorporating the outcomes into local procedures or operating systems.