
Nanomaterials can be found in a range of research and development environments. When they're being used for work purposes their control before, during and after use must be considered. Nanomaterials are 'materials where 50% or more of the particles in the number size distribution, one or more external dimensions is in the size range 1nm - 100nm.'

Most forms of nanomaterials are likely to present no health risk. Some evidence suggests certain kinds may have health concerns associated with their use. Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) and High Aspect Ration Nanomaterials (HARNs) are of particular concern. If nanomaterials are being used, risk assessments need to be conducted under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations. Appropriate controls should be identified and implemented. The nanomaterial policy only deals with exposure and release of particles from deliberate work and not accidental/non-work-related exposure.