Odyssey - the University’s radiation management system

Phase One: Worker registration module

The first phase of the new radiation management system, Odyssey, was launched in August 2024, transitioning the registration of radiation workers from paper-based forms to an online digital format.

Since its launch, departments engaged in ionising radiation activities have been using Odyssey, benefitting from streamlined online registration and enhanced visibility of departmental data. Over 200 registrations have been processed so far, with an average processing time (from initiation email by senior radiation protection supervisor (SRPS) to completion) of seven working days. The fastest registration passed through all five approval stages in just 75 minutes.

Phase Two: Inventory, waste management, radiation generating devices and radiation protection instruments 

Starting from 7 April, Odyssey’s additional modules to manage the University’s inventory of radioactive sources and record radioactive waste generated by departments will be implemented across relevant departments. This phase will also include modules to manage radiation generating devices and hand-held equipment used in radiation activities.

To support users with the new system, a variety of resources are available to provide training and support to impacted departments. The project team is collaborating with each department SRPS to discuss and support department-specific needs. 

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact your department SRPS, the Occupational Health and Safety Radiation Team, or the project team via Health and Safety Systems Support.

During the phase two rollout in April, implementation teams will visit departments to provide hands-on training for Odyssey. During the visit, departments will begin to enter current department data and verify existing information is correct and accurate. Please contact your department SRPS or RPS for further information.

A series of online ‘live’ training and support sessions will run alongside the department visits between 7 – 25 April. These instructor-led events will each focus on specific Odyssey modules: 

  • Unsealed sources, aliquots and waste streams
  • Machines (embedded sources & ionising radiation generators)
  • Radiation protection instruments
  • Sealed sources
  • Reporting - source accountancy, monthly reporting and general reports

Please register for events using the links below. There will be different sessions on different days/times. Please be aware, that due to Microsoft Teams event settings the intended attendee must register for the event under their own account. 

Unsealed Sources and Waste Management

Sealed Sources

Machines (embedded sources & ionising radiation generators)

Radiation Protection Instruments (RPI)


Online eLearning courses will be available to users of the unsealed source and waste management modules. The following courses will be available via CoSy from 1 April:

  • Unsealed source and waste management for all Odyssey users
  • Unsealed source and waste management for SRPS and RPS Odyssey users

Further information regarding Cosy

Access to the University’s radiation management system, Odyssey, is limited to registered workers, Radiation Protection Supervisors (RPS) and Senior Radiation Supervisors (SRPS). Anyone fulfilling one of these roles is required to complete mandatory system training to be granted access to the system. This is to ensure that system processes are followed and all information recorded on the system is as accurate as possible. This will allow departments, and the University as a whole, to comply with its legal obligations around the use of radioactive materials.

Comprehensive guidance will be made available online from 7 April. More details will be available here at the beginning of April.

Support for health and safety systems at the University is provided by the Health & Safety Systems Support Team. This team comprises members of the Occupational Health & Safety team working alongside and supported by the HR Systems team from the People department.

Contact the Health & Safety Systems Support Team